Monday, May 7, 2018

Kibbutz Malkia

We had a chance to visit a kibbutz while in Northern Galilee.  Kibbutz Malkia is 700 meters above sea level in the mountains of Naphtali.  To the east you can see Mount Hermon, the Golan Heights, and the Kadesh Valley.  To the west, Kibbutz Malkia sits on the border with Lebanon.

The Kibbutz was founded in 1949, after the Israeli War of Independence by six former members of the Palmach, the elite fighting force of the underground army of the Jewish community during the time of the British Mandate for Palestine.

Today there are approximately 450 people living in the kibbutz where the main industry is agriculture.  The surrounding land is orchard after orchard of apple, kiwis, plum, nectarine, persimmon, olive, and almond trees.  The kibbutz also has chickens and beef cattle, and a large vineyard.

While the kibbutz seems rather idyllic, and there is certainly a peace about the area when visiting, the reality is they live hard against the border with Lebanon and the Hezbollah.  The signs at the bomb shelters encourage you to run to the bomb shelter, don't walk!

On the grounds of Kibbutz Malkia


Look to the east and you can see Mount Hermon.  With snow!

One of the largest geranium bushes I've ever seen!

The guard dog?

The Israeli flag in a memorial to the battles fought in the area during the War of Independence

The story of the battles fought for this land

Click on the picture to enlarge it

On top of the main building is a "Chanukiyyah", a 9-branched Menorah.

A decorative side to a building is actually...

the entrance to one of many bomb shelters on the kibbutz

Always RUN, don't walk, to the Bomb Shelter!

Inside a bomb shelter

Heading out of the bomb shelter

Keeping watch from above along the border with Lebanon

According to our guide, behind the windows in the building on the left, Hezbollah keeps a watch on the kibbutz!

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